-Note To Self- stars aligned...stay illogical

...if the stars can see it
why can't you?

there's no way to justify
how you treated me over the weekend

It's scary how someone
can have such a beautiful side
and in an instant transform into a monster
completely blind to everything
and everyone

I remember my father
being the exact same way to my mother
when I was a child.
He'd switch back and forth on her
toying with the "love" switch
and causing her so much pain
I remember her calling him the devil
so many times
and at four years old
I sat and watched them fight 
and agreed
he was the devil

The demon inside
that you unleash
eats, destroys, lies, manipulates
and hurts people.
It definitely hurt me.

In January
You had the nerve 
to tell me face to face
on three different occasions
 that you deeply regret
hurting me the way you did.
That out of all people,
I didn't deserved
to be treated that way.
You said you were stupid
and that you didn't know 
what was good for you back then
You said you loved me
and would do anything
to make things right...
to make me see that you've changed
and that you're worth
giving another chance.

I was open to it
and you played me
It's a damn shame really
because I was on my way to loving you
the right way

There's no excuse PO
There's no excuse
and it all breaks my heart
Lovers don't treat each other that way
Friends don't treat each other that way.
I don't think you even understand what 
love really is
and that's sad
because that's all you claimed
to embody
the past six months.

Whenever you turn into that thing
that lives inside you
You're capable of destroying people.
You ignite fires
and allow them to grow,
burning everything to ash

You scare me...