-Note To Self-

...I want to meet the one
get married
build a life together
a family...

*In life you’ll realize there is a purpose for everyone you meet.  Some will test you, some will use you, and some will teach you.  But most importantly, some will bring out the best in you.

*Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you, encourage you, enhance you, and make you happy.  If you know people who do none of these things, let them go.

*Love is not about sex, going on fancy dates, or showing off.  It’s about being with a person who makes you happy in a way nobody else can.

*Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring – all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

*Love means giving someone the chance to hurt you, but trusting them not to.

*You know you’ve found true love when you catch yourself falling in love with the same person over and over again.

-Note To Self- The One

'I’m looking for love. Real love. 
Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, 
can’t-live-without-each-other love.'
-Carrie Bradshaw

-Note To Self- stars aligned...stay illogical

...if the stars can see it
why can't you?

there's no way to justify
how you treated me over the weekend

It's scary how someone
can have such a beautiful side
and in an instant transform into a monster
completely blind to everything
and everyone

I remember my father
being the exact same way to my mother
when I was a child.
He'd switch back and forth on her
toying with the "love" switch
and causing her so much pain
I remember her calling him the devil
so many times
and at four years old
I sat and watched them fight 
and agreed
he was the devil

The demon inside
that you unleash
eats, destroys, lies, manipulates
and hurts people.
It definitely hurt me.

In January
You had the nerve 
to tell me face to face
on three different occasions
 that you deeply regret
hurting me the way you did.
That out of all people,
I didn't deserved
to be treated that way.
You said you were stupid
and that you didn't know 
what was good for you back then
You said you loved me
and would do anything
to make things right...
to make me see that you've changed
and that you're worth
giving another chance.

I was open to it
and you played me
It's a damn shame really
because I was on my way to loving you
the right way

There's no excuse PO
There's no excuse
and it all breaks my heart
Lovers don't treat each other that way
Friends don't treat each other that way.
I don't think you even understand what 
love really is
and that's sad
because that's all you claimed
to embody
the past six months.

Whenever you turn into that thing
that lives inside you
You're capable of destroying people.
You ignite fires
and allow them to grow,
burning everything to ash

You scare me...

Cassie - King of Hearts

...you are the prince of charm
destruction is your art
you only play my love
to be the king of hearts

...and we go
and we go
and we

I wonder just how many
you have
in your collection
Is mine even front and center?
Is it still beating?
Can you hear it
in your drawer
for release
while you lay in bed
at night?

Would you ever hold it?
Look at it?
Study it?
Speak with it?
Learn to love it?

Or do you simply 
steal them away
locking them deep
in that dim cave
to never be heard or felt
ever again?

Robin Thicke - Get Her Back

...you told me
you want to be in my arms every night
you told me
you want to wake up to me every morning
you told me
we belong to together
you told me 
we're soul mates
you told me
we were cut from the same crystal
you told me
I was the most beautiful man
you told me
there was no one else like me
you told me
you wanted a future together
you told me
you wanted to marry me
you told me
you wanted a house together
you told me
you wanted children together
you told me
that we should travel
and plan trips this summer
you told me
you weren't going to leave
you told me
you weren't going anywhere, ever
you told me 
you'd never hurt me again
but you did 

you went through months of connecting with me
apologizing, and promising all of these things
and even though I had reservations,
I couldn't help but fall
back into you
because of your smile, humor
charm, and look
that you'd give me

I loved speaking with you everyday
and was getting used to the thought
of waking up to you
every morning...

Ryan Leslie - Not My Girl

...I smoked hookah
for the first time last night.
The flavor was white
peach, but I didn't taste
I thought I'd feel something more
get some kind of high or tingle
seeing that it's the first
thing I've ever smoked.

I don't really see 
what people get out of it
But I guess it doesn't matter.
It was nice sitting there
with three other men
singing along to Pointer Sisters
and SOS Band's
"Take Your Time"

That night, I sat there
thinking about the differences between
sex and friendship
sex and intimacy
and sex and love
what did it all mean?
what did love even mean?

You see,
earlier that day, I lost
someone I loved.
Someone I gave my heart to
many times over
and I told myself 
that I didn't have it in me
to do it anymore
I was let go
after I was promised 
that I'd never be hurt again
after I was promised
so many things.
I was failed again

but it could be my own fault
for allowing the scorpion to lead
this beautiful virgin away from
her reeds, luring her
to a cold barren cave
where she was stung repeatedly
and killed
for the fourth time in three years.
And this time
that beautiful virgin
may as well as be dead.
dead to herself
for being so foolish

So it's clear 
that it's time for a real change
a real step forward
and last night 
with the guys,
I decided to let go of my inhibitions
step by step.
I was always one to say
"I'd never do this or I'd never do that..."
and be so very proud to have such a high
moral compass.
But recently I've found that
we build ourselves and our loved ones
way too high and when we/they make a mistake
everything comes falling apart,
sorry makes no difference when it should
and everything is in disaster.

So last night
I flew down from my pedestal
and noticed for the first time that the mess
isn't all that messy
and when viewed up close
there are so many beautiful elements
that would make a person so strong and 
when pieced back together.

And it's now that I truly believe 
that a man is most beautiful
when he shows and accepts his vulnerability.
and so my cracks are here on display
to remind myself of how I should be treated
how I should be loved.

I want things to change
to be better
to be stronger
to let it fly
and know that everything will be well
And last night
that puff of white
made me feel human
for the first time 
in three months

before that, I broke my own rule
of never being intimate with someone
unless we were in a committed relationship
and it felt so good 
to free myself and give into desire
give into someone else that was so beautiful
and could organically melt into me
folding into one another
like perfection

And I want that feeling again
but from someone who means it...

Nicole Scherzinger - Your Love

...I thought I saw a piece of your face
that day the sun stood behind you.
I could only make out your frame
and strong shoulders
a piece of your smile.

It's getting closer to meeting you
I can feel it

But you must know
All the drakes who dared declare
will find their reflections 
murky and weathered
They will forever be haunted
by my face
my name
I was the one
that got away
the good one
who got tangled
in their thorns
piercing my neck
my heart
in an attempt 
to blacken me

I won't be destroyed
by ones undeserving
of my spirit.
and so....it's up to you now
to find me.
Hidden away, how could I forget you
How negligent and impatient
of me to not see you and only you
to simply wait
for your hand

I'll hold onto your brooding
dark eyes
and piece of face
that sliced so bright
cutting into me
filling me
with that glorious feeling
I've dreamt of
ever since 
I was nineteen ...

Short Film - The Blue Umbrella

...could it be
that I'm the only blue
and you the only red
in this sea of black?...