Note To Self

One day I am going to be a father
and I will be the best dad!

Thanksgiving dinner was nice
calm, relaxing
family and friends
and a little new one
joined us
Her name is Bailey
my sweet baby cousin.
She's three now
and it was the third time
we'd met.

Before the dinner began
Her father, Barry
stepped out to pick up some cognac
He said bye to his little girl,
kissed her forehead 
and left her watching 
Mickey Mouse Christmas on her tablet.
He had no instructions for us in regard to her...
I guess since we're all family he figured
that she'd be safe from harm; which she would be
but he still should have told one of us to simply
look after her.

Anyhow, after he left,
I stepped up and assumed a short role
as "guardian" 
I told her that her dad will be right back and
if there was anything she needed then she could ask me,
Papa T
She immediately held out her arms for me to pick her up.
I did.
and she wrapped her arms around my neck
and said she was thirsty and hungry.
In some crevice of the pantry, I found a sippy cup 
for her to drink some juice
and gave her a small snack before dinner.

We sat on the couch and watched Mickey Christmas
She was so happy and fixated on the cartoon
filled with so much joy and innocence.

It reminded me of when I was a child
and I wondered if my own memories were of complete joy.
For the most part, yes.
But growing up, there was a big fear I dealt with
My father
selfish, sociopath, abuser
someone who never took responsibility
someone who was not a man
But a coward, an emotional thief
and a runner.
He disappeared on my siblings and I a few times
and hurt my mother
many times over.
At a young age I tuned him out 
and ignored his presence.
But was always in fear of him...
up until recently actually
when I "came out" to him. 
Now I just see him as a sad
pathetic person.
My mother tried to wait for him to change,
but we all know (and I was reminded of this recently)
people are not capable of change.
Some of us are just born different.
It's simple. It's true.
"Love" can only do so much
and come to think of it, if anyone has it in them
to hurt you...then they don't love you
they don't even know how to love themselves.

Sitting with Bailey,
this revelation of joy and happiness
opened my eyes
to letting a lot of pain
and disappointment go
and to open my heart to good people
who may want to do right by me.

Bailey's father returned within an hour 
but she stayed by my side for the night.
Even though it was for such a brief time,
looking after her made me feel good,
strong and responsible
and I'm grateful
for my time with her

I've always wanted to be a dad
and I look forward to the day when 
I can be one.
a damn good one!

Fifth Harmony - Sledgehammer

...I said yes to his invitation
and showed up at 7:55 pm.
I apologized for being late
But he smiled and said
"You're only ten minutes after, it's ok"
I sat down and explained it took me a while
to get to the restaurant right after work
and the traffic was bad
but he didn't seem to mind.
He just seemed so happy I was there.
I quickly settled down.

He looked handsome
in his navy blazer and striped wide neck T
His thick blonde hair quaffed to the right
his eyes staring into me.
His face held a slight yearning
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Nothing, nothing at all," he blushed.
He told me I made him nervous
and that he hadn't been out
with someone he really liked
in quite some time.
He told me he liked my scarf
and that he wanted to
tie me up with it.
I laughed
then bit my lip

We spoke of everything from work,

to music, to astrology
and American Horror Story
He seemed so excited to know
everything about me
and I let him see enough of me
though I proceeded with caution.
I felt bad for holding back
but I had my reasons.
Perhaps I'll reveal more
on another outing.

He stood up to use the restroom

and towered over me.
So statuesque 
so structured.
I felt lucky to be out with him
and I could tell
he felt the same about me.

My heart quaked just a little

as I watched him return to the table.
His walk, his air
The whole room watched
and seemed envious
of us dining together.
It was an odd
but nice 

at the end

he walked me to my car
and kissed me.
Gripping me firm,
his mouth pillowed
and salty from our pecan dessert.
what a rich, interesting flavor
those lips
that cologne...

Note To Self

...I hope that you're happy
and wish you sweet dreams at night
I hope you find answers
and learn to love someone right...

-from the one
in wait of a kind heart

Marina & The Diamonds - Froot

stranger: you're exquisite

I look away from him
because I'm shy and embarrassed 
by his remark

me: ...thank you....

stranger: it's most certainly true. 

he went on to say
that he's met many people 
and few have a beauty
on the inside that matches 
the beauty on the outside

me: ...but you don't even know me

stranger: I don't need to know you
I can just tell...and it's rare

Vous avez l'air sucrés(doux) 
sur l'extérieur 
je suis sûr que votre coeur 
est bon sur l'intérieur

I’m your carnal flower, I’m your bloody rose
Pick my petals off and make my heart explode

Note To Self

...a friend of mine passed away yesterday
He shot himself in the chest
after an argument with his wife...

Note To Self

My father wanted to name me Dune, but my mother said no. 
Instead, I was given the name Toren. 
She named me after Torendill, 
a character in Tolkien's fantasy novel Lord of The Rings. 
He was a high-elf commander.... 

In Old English, my name means Watchtower. 
It's quite fitting I think...
I lookout for others....and I think people look up to me; which is a nice feeling. I often feel responsible for others...I'm protective.....
sometimes too much..... 
I try to have people's best interest at heart....and care about my loved ones.....
sometimes too much....

Step by step, I'm learning to watch over myself though...

But hey,  I learned something new today...supposedly my name also means "chief" in Gaelic. I like that:-)

           People with this name have a deep inner desire 
      to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share 
      their own strongly held views on spiritual matters.
      People with this name tend to be passionate, 
      compassionate, intuitive, romantic, and to have 
      magnetic personalities. They are usually humanitarian,               broadminded and generous, and tend to follow 
      professions where they can serve humanity. 
      Because they are so affectionate and giving, 
      they may be imposed on. They are romantic and 
      easily fall in love, but may be easily hurt and 
      are sometimes quick-tempered.

Taylor Swift - Blank Space

in no particular order
Acid Eyed Poet
Paradisical Model
Book of Nehemiah
Swarthy Lock Jaw
Wide-Eyed Dreamer
Selfish Medici-Man
Lost Land Agent
Mr. Houdini
Programmed Without Ears
Bartender Pop Star
The Pole
Swedish Vesuvius
Frightened Action Figure
The Hospice Helper
Mature Nick Jonas

Kylie Minogue - Sexercize

...the lanterns in arm
glow widly
so dim

they come for me
dressed violetly 
in sin

I wait for them
to tell me 
I win

A two-faced prince
so handome
his grin

he takes me
in show
with him...

Eric Prydz - Call On Me

drip after drop
after drop
after drop.
when I lift,
the beat
gets me going

gearing me up
I quicken the pace
pulsing through
the mirror
and kissing myself
in a love unlike
any other

to be that beacon
for my own reason
In any season
I will
I will
I will
I will

Leighton Meester - Heartstrings

...Numb to so many things
I touched myself
and I felt nothing.
One hand on my chest
the other on my charm
with nothing in my head
and nothing 
in my heart...