Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams

...I thought, for the longest time
this was my movie.
Clearly it wasn't.

I thought I was in control
and the explosion that came
left me in the dark
only wanting more.

An emotional affair,
when we were on 
we were on.
Was it simply just acting?
I don't know...

And though I knew
of your chains
And knew of your shadows
and skeletons
I fell in love
thinking I was your key

How shaded your eyes were
nothing behind them
nothing in them
but my voice would make you glow
and I could catch a glint
in their deep
that showed promise 
and begged for help.

I tried to grasp you
and for a while it worked
But I think the warmth of it all
became too much and you folded
into your shell
into your dark
and you decided not to know
not to care
not to show...