Kat Graham - All Your Love

...tell me what it feels like
what it looks like...
because I no longer
remember the feeling...

A woman
with long blonde hair
long to the floor
sits nude
in a birdcage
inside my head.

She lay
on a garnet, chaise lounge
the floor, black
the cage, gold
who is she....and what does she want?

I've seen her face many times
only when she's angry
and when she is,
she rushes her surround, grasps the bars,
 and violently shakes her prison.
Who is she?

mascara dripping down her face
she's beautiful
a lovely red mouth
blonde eyes
she tires and collapses the ground

canary, canary
canary, canary
 in my head
circling my mind
waiting for her key
Who is she?
to fly free...

Florrie - Real Love

...I danced with you all week
tipping the thought of us, 
your hands on my shoulder.

I like things
that are no good for me
addicted to the ones
with one wing 
and no reflection.

That being said,
I know where we stand
And I'll be sure to say
there is no "us"
even though 
they all 
always come back
for more
of me.

You're not the first
and for the first time
I'm the one in red
leading you astray
with mal intentions.

Run from me
Run from my spiders
and red velvet,
I don't even know
what I want anymore
or better yet,
how I want it...

Coldplay - Hymn For The Weekend

...they've been searching for a while now
waiting eons to find him,
the one
to serve their King.

Walking for centuries
their feet never tire
effortlessly gliding
'cross the Earth,
their eyes awake
their minds open.

Spinning into being,
they find 
a wilting body in stone
and know it's him
on the edge.

He knows nothing 
of himself
or his fate...
and they take him
wash him
teach him
love him...

Purity Ring - Begin Again

...bath on, per usual
my deluge surges
through the faucet
hot like I like
foamed like I like
I lay

ribboned in wet
I close my eyes
and slip under
a chardonnay float
by my side
just in case, of course

I do this thing
a melody on repeat
til I see every lick, vocable
til I see his voice, his face
and my own bow-tie
white, with a large pearl
at its knot

I drift along
wishing of swords
hoping of apples
gilded over for my own pleasure

horned for black feathers
and velvet beaks
I swan,
dreaming of that peak
wishing of that peak
hoping for that peak
in the foggy distance
far, far away...

-Note to Self-

...I thought I tamed you.
Time wasted on
one-winged birds
and wicked foxes...
showering you,
glassing you in
only to protect your 
fickle flame.

Listen closely and believe
when I tell you
the birds will come tonight
and make me see again
follies fading
for the first time...

Dumblonde - Remember Me

...sometimes it's jumbled
in colors 
we don't understand,
colors we've never even seen before
and the stories change
when we feel like it.
Remembering only what we want.

So tell me your version.
I know it's different from mine
because lions don't lie.
What color did you see?
Do you remember the texture, pattern
of that memory?

So vivid, vivid
so vivid.
Take me as the one
who warned you that your flame
could not be held.
Take me as the one
who made you smile. 
The one
you sang to.
I wanted to listen, but I wasn't the one
and so you've turned me into the
faintest rainbow
and I wonder 
if that's how you'll
remember me...

Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams

...I thought, for the longest time
this was my movie.
Clearly it wasn't.

I thought I was in control
and the explosion that came
left me in the dark
only wanting more.

An emotional affair,
when we were on 
we were on.
Was it simply just acting?
I don't know...

And though I knew
of your chains
And knew of your shadows
and skeletons
I fell in love
thinking I was your key

How shaded your eyes were
nothing behind them
nothing in them
but my voice would make you glow
and I could catch a glint
in their deep
that showed promise 
and begged for help.

I tried to grasp you
and for a while it worked
But I think the warmth of it all
became too much and you folded
into your shell
into your dark
and you decided not to know
not to care
not to show...