Sam Smith - Leave Your Lover

...A smooth sail
into the stars
my heart felt 
something new
with this man
by my side

would he hurt me?
walk away from me?
like the one before?

I don't know,
but in that moment 
I didn't care
I stopped being scared 
of what might happen
I stopped being scared

His music sailed along
classical, jazz, Sade
with drops of Whitney
I smiled when she came on...
for reasons he'd never know
but it's ok
it's just one song
one singer
and more than one man
can love her too

It got late
we drank some red
and my world changed
the balmy air, the ocean's voice

He grew closer to me
sailing deeper in the night
His hand on my thigh
His blonde hair paled
under the moon
and his eyes
those eyes
looked like
he already knew me
as though he's been waiting
for me
his entire life...