- note to self-

...A long time ago 
I created a man in my head
Someone so beautiful and kind
Someone so magical and warm

He was my prince
And I'd visit him every night
To speak and lay

With him I was unafraid and
and no longer alone

But one day
I met someone
who I thought was him
or at least it looked like him

was he the Odile
to my Odette?
I don't know
and part of me didn't care

We laughed and loved
and overtime 
he became my prince


...I think...
he's gone now
and I have no other option 
than to return to the Prince
I've kept inside

but I don't even know
how to build him back
his face seems smudged 
and his eyes so dull

maybe in time he'll reemerge 
so clear and bright
so strong and knowing
atop his horse
with a face so open
and a breath so ready
to love...