Moya - Come & Get It

...In dreams of you
you'll see 
what you want

and I wonder 
if you'll reach 
through the fog
and remember us
or just forget 

so come and get it
before it's all gone
come and get it
before I'm long gone...

Willy Moon - Get Up

...I met a man on the corner
where the blind men see
and these are the words 
that he said to me
"get up on your feet
to get what you need"

I told him
I've already tried
to no avail
But he said to me
over and over
"get up on your feet
to get what you need
but first
you must believe"...

Lulu James - Closer

...i liked when you 
danced upon me
pressing against me
music pounding
locked in a rhythm

I felt young again
I felt alive
I came home at 5am...

Leona Lewis - Lovebird wings seem ready
this time
unbound, thirsty
for hearts and skies

I let it all go
that Thursday night
when my back began to itch,
when they started to grow
and now they're out
in full...

Kelly Rowland - Dirty Laundry 5am
I washed your chords
from my limbs

freeing myself 
with soap
and water...

Paula Abdul - My Love Is For Real can give everything
and still end with nothing
even if what you felt was real

maybe it was all a game
or make-believe,
a saccharine fantasy
full of red...

Destiny - Short Film

...I want to stop the clocks tonight
I want to tear the hands right off
I want to stop the world from turning
until we get it right...

Brandy - Full Moon

...the Moon is the inner life 
that only close companions 
get to experience. 
It’s the private you 
that reveals itself 
behind closed doors.
It’s the unguarded you 
that has to act on instinct, 
the one that comes out in a crisis.

When you understand
the essence of the Moon, 
you’re no longer 
“in the dark”...

"The moon understands what it means to be human.
Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.” 
-Tehereh Mafi, Shatter Me

The Pierces - You'll Be Mine

...prick your finger
on the spinning wheel
but don't make a sound

a drop of blood
and now you're taken
for all time

with a kiss 
you will awaken
and you'll be mine...

Todrick Hall - The Wizard of Ahhhs

...coming together is a beginning;
keeping together is progress;
working together is success...

-Henry Ford

Caldera - Short Film

we are all
a work
in progress...

- note to self-

...A long time ago 
I created a man in my head
Someone so beautiful and kind
Someone so magical and warm

He was my prince
And I'd visit him every night
To speak and lay

With him I was unafraid and
and no longer alone

But one day
I met someone
who I thought was him
or at least it looked like him

was he the Odile
to my Odette?
I don't know
and part of me didn't care

We laughed and loved
and overtime 
he became my prince


...I think...
he's gone now
and I have no other option 
than to return to the Prince
I've kept inside

but I don't even know
how to build him back
his face seems smudged 
and his eyes so dull

maybe in time he'll reemerge 
so clear and bright
so strong and knowing
atop his horse
with a face so open
and a breath so ready
to love...

Goldfrapp - Drew I melt into Wednesday
I can't help but think
you and I
side by side

your neck, shoulder
kisses falling
along your skin

smell of hair
your mouth

that look
you give in my eye
that says
the one
the one
 the one the one
you've always wanted
to love

and so freely
love you in return...

Utada Hikaru - Deep River

For My Dear Friend
Roxana Diaz Gomez it joins one point to another
your finger draws lines
to the road 
by which you came, or perhaps
your destination

you'll meet the one
who ties one line to another
a place
where everyone finds their way
to the sea

And so you go
letting flow so many rivers...

May You Rest In Peace

Heart - Short Film's mine to give...

...but tell me
what will  you do with it
once it's in your hands...

Kimbra - Two Way Street

...Alice came to a fork in the road

"Which road do I take?"she asked
"Where do you want to go?"responded the Chesire Cat
"I don't know," Alice answered
"Then,"said the Cat, "it doesn't matter"...

-Lewis Carrol

Eli Lieb - Young Love

...sometimes it takes a minute
to catch your breath
and find the strength
to swim well
with another...

Emeli Sande - Next To Me night 
I reach for you
feeling nothing 
but the cold sheets
and ghost 
of your impression...

78Violet - Hothouse stand so still
hiding on the corner
waiting for the sign to come

I come
I'm here...