Kat Graham - All Your Love

...tell me what it feels like
what it looks like...
because I no longer
remember the feeling...

A woman
with long blonde hair
long to the floor
sits nude
in a birdcage
inside my head.

She lay
on a garnet, chaise lounge
the floor, black
the cage, gold
who is she....and what does she want?

I've seen her face many times
only when she's angry
and when she is,
she rushes her surround, grasps the bars,
 and violently shakes her prison.
Who is she?

mascara dripping down her face
she's beautiful
a lovely red mouth
blonde eyes
she tires and collapses the ground

canary, canary
canary, canary
 in my head
circling my mind
waiting for her key
Who is she?
to fly free...