-Note To Self-

...I'm re-learning my name.

I forgot what it was at one point.

forgot the meaning of it

and why they gave it to me...

if only
I could remember
my own face
and what it was
I thought
made me

-Note To Self-

 ...strangers in strange situations
looking 'cross the room
I bat a lash and lightly run
my right hand along my collar

I think I'm someone else now
and I'm unsure of who or what it is
I don't really want to do this
but then again, I really do

Breathing underwater
in this dark room 
with so many strangers 
brushing against me
all here for the same thing
cloud nine love potion number
nine...my mind
doesn't know what to do anymore
my life
the way I wanted
the way you wanted
lost among thick sud and froth
left behind by these strangers
to know 
my name...

Britney Spears - My Prerogative

...as you enter my neighborhood
and make a first right into Catalina
you'll approach a stop sign
with the option
to turn left or right

I'm always tempted though
to drive forward.
You see, there's an opening
straight ahead
between two homes
that leads right into a lake

never in the day,
it's always at night.
she calls my name 
every single time
in whispers, hithersssss
I feel to respond
and give myself to her
driving straight
my wheels grinding
that precious grass
breaking through hedge
and rows of fern
into her

Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans

...as I lay on the ocean floor
I can't help but wonder
what it is 
that keeps me here

it's rocky
and dim
could it be
something like me?

a glimmer in the water
shifts of cool
to my right
I feel it near

I can hardly make out
what it is,
all reflecting

but I know
there's something
in this water
and I think
I like it...

-Note To Self-

...the lake was so full today
and I felt it had no place for me
but still
I took my time
on the water

toe after toe

I got used to the feeling
and danced with my demons
for what felt like hours
casting each gorgeous devil aside
until I was alone

in the center
of it all ...

Jessie Ware - Tough Love

...you pushed me away
and I've convinced myself
it's alright

everything has its time
everything blooms
and everything
a new bud
will arise...

Magic! - Don't Kill The Magic

so fast
so soon
is it real?

...love is such a magical word
when I feel it, it floats in my stomach (trove),
into my heart (warm), into my throat (fireflies)
into my eyes (roses), 
my lips (tart)
my voice (fluid)

when I feel it
nothing else in the world matters
and nothing else should...

Rich White Ladies - Wimbledon

...I was never playing
the game
and would rather shake your hand
off the court...

Florrie - Little White Lies

...victim of my own good intentions
I can't say no

My hands tied
I'm trying to stay afloat

I'm out on the edge again
My breathing shallows
I can't pretend...

-Note To Self-

...take me now
love me forever
leave me never


-Note To Self-

literally means
going beyond
your form...

-Wayne Dyer

...When she transformed 
into a butterfly, 
the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty,
 but of her weirdness. 
They wanted her to change 
back into what she always had been. 
But she had wings...
-Dean Jackson

...transforming yourself
is a means of giving light
to the whole world...

-Ramana Maharshi

-Note To Self-

...thank you Tris...

Tinashe - 2 On

...only a few things
light me up
bodies of water
a hug

Pia Mia - Mr. President

...she had
so much to offer
so much to give
she was never wanted
but kept coming back
for more
addicted to the thought of it
the smell of it...

BANKS - This Is What It Feels Like

...it's odd waking up
when the dream
felt so real
we were children
playing hide and seek
in a library
and I kept looking
for you
when I found you
you were much younger
than before
a baby
wrapped in a cashmere blanket
I knew it was you
by the way you cried
and the way your fingers
reached toward my face
I picked you up
your tears stopped
I kissed your forehead
and told you about
the glasswing butterflies
that sail through Florida...