Joel Compass - Run

...I dreamt about you last night
and the sequence played
over and over
but last night's end 
was different
you were coming out
from the shower,
I handed you a towel,
you smiled...

Bipolar Sunshine - Love More, Worry Less

...your future is staring right in front of you
staring at you in full view
but only you can make the change
it's up to you to break the chains
you got to feel
I know you're running
trying to fall
but doubt
is what's tearing your world apart...

Lulu James - Sweetest Thing

...your delivery
say it again
you're my best friend
we'll be together
until the end of time...


Britney Spears - Work Bitch

...I've always been Romeo
to fall for a man
at first sight

time and time again

and now I've grown wary
of sacchrine love...
a bastille heart perhaps

so this time
I'll watch you work
through lattice doors
counting your efforts
and affection
determining your full heart
before I give you mine...