Capital Cities - Safe and Sound

...peace of mind come back to me...

Loreen - We Got The Power tears formed my reflection
and I knew
I did my best...

Jennifer Lopez - Live It Up push me harder
I won't do the same...
Make love
Don't Fight
Kiss me tonight

VV Brown - Samson & Delilah let the scorpion back in your bed...

Josef Salvat – Hustler's always so easy for you to let me go...
“They were careless people, Tom and Daisy-
they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back
into their money or their vast carelessness
or whatever it was that kept them together,
and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

Rush Midnight - Don't Give Me Your Love

...just give me a dance...

Selena Gomez - Come & Get It

...the smell of your parfum...

Zedd - Clarity

...each crash brings us closer...

Hudson - Chained

...I'll remove myself the best way I can...

Lana Del Rey - Young & Beautiful I lay my head down
it feels so much safer here...

Mark Owen - Stars

...cause we're just stars
trying to get back to where we're from...

Austra - Home are part of this home
with this gnome and statue...

Mika - Underwater

...put your lips on me and I can live underwater...