Luke James - Dancing In The Dark

...when I opened the door
it was pitch black 
only the eyes of a cat
 staring back

Making my way
 to the kitchen,
I lit every pilot
in wait for them 
to hot

I placed my hands
on each burner
fingers dancing about
gripping the flames

a rush flew through
my hand black in burn

this beautiful feeling
to hold fire
tickled my brain
as I doused it
with a glass 
of white stain...

Sam Smith - Leave Your Lover

...A smooth sail
into the stars
my heart felt 
something new
with this man
by my side

would he hurt me?
walk away from me?
like the one before?

I don't know,
but in that moment 
I didn't care
I stopped being scared 
of what might happen
I stopped being scared

His music sailed along
classical, jazz, Sade
with drops of Whitney
I smiled when she came on...
for reasons he'd never know
but it's ok
it's just one song
one singer
and more than one man
can love her too

It got late
we drank some red
and my world changed
the balmy air, the ocean's voice

He grew closer to me
sailing deeper in the night
His hand on my thigh
His blonde hair paled
under the moon
and his eyes
those eyes
looked like
he already knew me
as though he's been waiting
for me
his entire life...

-Note To Self-

Taylor Swift - Shake It Off

...I colored outside the lines
and I don't feel guilty.
years ago I would
but I'll burn my old self.
I put him on sale, remember??

I ask,
was I meant to do this all along?
I black-swanned last night
Feathers creeping from my back
my lips

I've never seen an S-curve
so beautiful
shoulders so strong
a body 
just for me to own
blue eyes
melting into me
lightly pulling your hair
my name repeated 
in whispers...

MDNGHT - Breeze

...I just go where the breeze blows
and the thing is I don't care
I'll lay me head down anywhere
nothing really matters

I'll just go where it feels right
your balcony
your hot tub
your bed
speaking about pop-up
fairytales and moods
you stared at me 
and asked what I was thinking
You didn't touch me
and I didn't care
because holding you
was all that mattered
nothing really matters

windows down
moon roof wide
I sped home
feeling new
just for the night
or maybe forever
I'm unsure
all I know was that
I was consumed by the atmosphere
far away from here...

-Note To Self-

...Can I really go through with this?

I have to...

Neon Hitch - Yard Sale

I need magic
I need magic
I need magic
I need magic
I need magic

...People have tried to kill me 
a number of times
and I'm sure there are others
that want me dead

I owe no one 
nothing at all
and for some reason 
their eyes 
still matter
I want that to change

I'll put myself
on sale
rid myself
of everything
I thought I loved
to begin again 
to reclaim my magic
and flower
than before

they'll really want me 
six feet under...