Kylie Minogue - I Believe In You

...we all have something
that stirs a trigger
releasing memories
of darkness

not knowing
how or where to release
these weighted bubbles
with slate and sorrow
they form scars upon our hearts
for ones closest to us 
to see

I've run my hand
across yours
and you've run your hand
across mine
and I would rather walk
in light with you
hand in hand
writing a new chapter
and no longer hold 
glimmers of refracted love
that only weaken 
with each beat...

RaNia - Just Go

...the flickering flame
draws out a dream tonight,
as the tip of your paintbrush
dries out...

Christina Aguilera - Let There Be Love

...people are like stained glass windows.
They sparkle and shine
when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in,
their true beauty is revealed
only if there is a light
from within...

-Kubler Ross

-note to self- I Miss You

...I need someone who's true
someone who does the laundry too
so what you gonna do
please don't forget to follow through
I take my diamond shoes
someone who tries to be on time
do what you said you'll do
I hope you like to follow through

DVDs of Elvis Presley
BBC Sessions of Led Zeppelin
singing along to F Mercury
wishing he was still performing
DVDs of Elvis Presley
BBC Sessions of Led Zeppelin
singing along to F Mercury
singing along to F Mercury
DVDs of Elvis Presley
BBC Sessions of Led Zeppelin
singing along to F Mercury
wishing he was still performing...


MDNGHT - Into The Night

...will your footsteps follow mine
when we leave our shadows behind...

Exid - Every Night

...late at night
my message in a bottle
will unravel
and wrap 'cross
your steel eyes

it will remind you
of yourself
and the golden heart
I fell in love with

it will show you
your truth
my truth
reflecting everything
we are
and could have been

it will take your hand
to a place
where you no longer
cry yourself to sleep,
where you can trust,
where you can love
and allow the fall
of your walls

it will unravel

all of your pain
your beauty
your fear
lost confidence
your freedom
and allow you
to face each one
and truly see them
for what they are--
fragments of yourself
that need to be accepted
and re-pieced
in order to fully feel
the warmth of my arms...

-note to self-

...thank you Tristan
for sending this message to me...

Chocolat - Black Tinkerbell

is love only possible
when you've prepared for it?

...with all your distractions
you'll continue on
the same way you have
for all these years
without mirrors
without sweat
without your voice

and you'll find a place
where circles are your friend
forgetting all about me,
forgetting the first time
you said those three

neatly tucking me away
in your closet of colognes...

Young & Beautiful - So You Think You Can Dance

...And hark! the Nightingale begins its song
"Most musical, most melancholy" Bird!
A melancholy Bird? O idle thought!
In nature there is nothing melancholy.
But some night wandering Man, whose heart was pierc'd
With the remembrance of a grievous wrong,
Or slow distemper or neglected love...

- William Wordsworth

Blue - Break My Heart

...a painter bought a picture of us
of our comfort and beauty
an understanding
in our eyes

and so he went
holding the picture
high to his heart
hoping he too
will one day
find the same comfort
and beauty
he saw
in us...

Short Film - Love Recipe

...1 plush doll
1 ornate charm
3 Legos
1 message in a bottle
2 photo albums
1 treasure chest
2 books on bees
1 love song
3 calla lilies
1 magnetic cube set
1 Marilyn Monroe autobiography
1 My Little Pony
1 sailboat pin
4 mangos
10 macaroons...
stir together in heart-shaped
baking tin
*serve hot*

-note to self-

Madonna - Cherish

...I've never been one
for casual encounters
and I can't hide my need
for two hearts that bleed
with burning love
Like Romeo and Juliet
Tristan and Isolde
Selene and Endymion
Alexander and Hephaisteion

I'll take to the waves
and toss the weight
like deep stones
into the vast cerulean
struggling to place 
the beating red
back in my chest
it hurts
and I'm tempted
to drop it into the sea
to join the rest at the bottom
where it will dim
and echo my name...

Kylie MInogue - Slow

...the pieces fall together
like the tesserae
of a mosaic
every hue
into one

-note to self- must experience heartbreak
in order to see the beauty in love...

Fergie - A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

..."They were careless people, Tom and Daisy -- 
they smashed up things and creatures 
and then retreated back into their money
or their vast carelessness 
or whatever it was that kept them together, 
and let other people clean up 
the mess they had made" (188)...

-F. Scott Fitzgerald don't mean a thing
if I give you my heart
if you tear it apart...

Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For Remix

...tick tock tick tock 
I know from experience
 that if you have to ask for something
more than once
or twice
 it wasn't yours in the first place
 and that's hard to accept when you love someone
 and you're led to believe in their moment of need
 that they want what you want
 but they don't...

Guileless Guile - Short Film

...there are two kinds of sparks,
The one that goes off with a hitch, like a match, 
but it burns quickly. 
The other is the kind that needs time,
but when the flame strikes
it's eternal...

-Janis Joplin

-note to self-

“It amazes me that people think 
their soul mate is going to show up 
in their life at this predestined time 
and be this flawless person. 
A true soul mate is a mirror of yourself, 
the person who shows you everything
 that is holding you back, 
the person who brings you to your own attention
 so you can change your life. 
Sure, they have a common upbringing, 
similar interests but they have 
the one thing you don’t have
 which is the introspection to help you become great. 
What use is a soul mate 
if they can’t help free you from yourself 
so you can live your life mission?” 

― Shannon L. Alder

The Naked & Famous - Hearts Like Ours

...half awake
and almost there...