Robin Thicke - Feel Good

...if I told you that I love you
would you run away
or run to me...

-note to self-

...anyone can wish for
all the trinkets in the window.
some can even buy
all the things they see.
But the presents that I want
you'll never find in any window.
Bring me love
and bring it just for me...

Britney Spears - Perfume

...the beginning of summer
we sit on a bench 
of the Heights Promenade
evening time.
I'm in a tank top
in one of your polos.
the air is balmy, fragrant
my arm around your shoulder
we watch the sunset together
for the first time.
it's not crowded
just the two of us
and we don't need to speak
and we don't even try.
our voice would only get lost
over the sound of the sun
into the East River...


Daft Punk - Instant Crush

...sometimes it's as simple as
being in the right place
at the right time
designing the page...

London Grammar - Nightcall

...I have never 
seen a sunset...

after a while you learn the subtle difference 
between holding a hand and chaining a soul, 
and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning 
and company doesn't mean security, 
And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts 
and presents aren't promises, 
And you begin to accept your defeats 
with your head up and your eyes open, 
with the grace of wisdom, 
not the grief of a child. 
And you learn to build all your roads on today 
because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain, 
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight. 
After a while, you learn that even sunshine burns 
if you get too much. 
So, you plant your own garden 
and decorate your own soul,
 Instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. 
And you learn that you really can endure, 
that you really are strong. 
And you really do have worth. 
And you learn and learn, 
with every good-bye 
you learn. 

I miss you
I love you

Syron - Color Me In day
when I meet you,
I'd like you
to paint me over

with compassion

washing me
with your touch
gilded over
and over
and over
until I'm unrecognizable

giving me gold


Pharrell - Happy

...happiness is when
what you think,
what you say,
how you feel
and what you do
are in harmony...

-Mahatma Gandhi

Great Big World feat. Christina Aguilera - Say Something

...there are so many faces
and I don't care for their eyes
or their mouths
loose with lies

so lip me your love
and say I'm the one

sell me sapphires
and candy
kisses and cashmere
and make me 
your king

Katy Perry - Unconditionally this day
your words continue to linger my mind
when you told me
we don't belong together
when you told me
why can't you see that 
I don't want to be with you
when you told me
what part of that
don't you understand

to hear those words
from someone I loved
felt like knives
sinking into me

then somehow,
you "changed your mind"
wanting to meet for a film
I agreed
because I loved you
the movie was great...
a nice horror flick on Court Street

sitting beside you felt like home
you put your legs over mine
anytime a scene frightened you
the audience screamed
so did we
then we all laughed

The night couldn't have gone any better
going to the beach afterwards
sitting in the lifeguard tower
watching the waves
the moon

you told me
you were sorry for the fighting
we kissed
As we left the shore, we noticed
a man and woman
with rollers in her hair
having sex on the hood of a car.
We laughed

The next day
You asked me
to go away with you for the weekend.
Still hurt
and confused 
over those words you said to me,
I agreed
Because I loved you.
You picked me up on Saturday morning
and we had a gorgeous weekend.
You told me you loved me
and that you missed me
several times.
during our mini hike and
Twice when we were kyaking

We drove back 
Sunday evening and you seemed
like you didn't want me 
to get out of your car.
You even called me 
later that evening to see 
but we agreed that we were both 
sleepy from our weekend.

I left for Florida the following day
and you never reached out to me
I kept thinking about those awful things 
you said to me initially
which broke my heart
....hurt even more that you never
wrote or called...
and I felt like....

I gave you my heart
and for some reason
you couldn't see
or hear it
You didn't understand it
Or maybe you just didn't care...

we all have our demons
but I wish yours weren't so dark
so strong

And I feel silly 
for missing you
and sometimes thinking about
a future with you
where we'd slowly 
so bright
and beautiful

Short Film - Arrival (preview) we need
another soul to cling to...

-Sylvia Plath


Iiris - Tigerhead

...a paleness
out the window
told me to open my blinds
even though I was scared
to let the air in 
looking at the fallen leafs
I felt my own leave
then I stopped myself to think,
to write him down
to record him
to hold him
in my head
for a moment
even though I haven't
met him yet
I could almost
make out his face
his shoulders
and I chose to walk
toward him
never looking away
from his precious face
giving me everything
but a place to stay...

Rihanna - What Now

...whatever it is
It feels like it's laughing at me
Through the glass
of a two-sided mirror
and I just want to scream...

-note to self-

...Remind yourself
of the little signs
and the small asides
playing on your mind
The shift of air
the turn of phrase
obsession to
averted gaze

Remind yourself
how the field is wide
and the eye takes more
than it sweeps aside
choose to keep
or select the shelf
it's a tender lie
remind yourself

Remind yourself 
as the moon shifts overhead
that roll it does
roll it does
and the drum beat in your chest
it becomes a pulse
it becomes...

Great Big World - Say Something (feat. Christina Aguilera)

...can you imagine it
lying on the ground
still beating

and I am feeling
so small
numbing the fragments
I swallow my pride
to say
that I've loved
and still love


The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It

...It's so curious: one can resist tears
and 'behave' very well in the hardest hours of grief.
But then someone makes you a friendly sign behind a window,
or one notices the flower that was in bud only yesterday has suddenly blossomed,
or a letter slips from a drawer...
and everything collapses...
- Colette

Joel Compass - Run

...I dreamt about you last night
and the sequence played
over and over
but last night's end 
was different
you were coming out
from the shower,
I handed you a towel,
you smiled...

Bipolar Sunshine - Love More, Worry Less

...your future is staring right in front of you
staring at you in full view
but only you can make the change
it's up to you to break the chains
you got to feel
I know you're running
trying to fall
but doubt
is what's tearing your world apart...